Just Transitions to Managed Livestock Grazing

Ideas, recommendations, and actions for expanding managed livestock grazing to build a more just food system.

Midwest farmers and members of the managed grazing community are working toward a future in which the food system supports community and environmental well-being. Grassland 2.0 produced a report and a series of briefs that synthesize recommendations from nearly 130 people in the sustainable agriculture community on how to create a ‘just transition’ in agriculture.

A just transition would enable those who work in agriculture and food systems to regain control over agricultural land, markets, and institutions; address inequities in the distribution of power and resources; and support healthy environments, communities, and livelihoods.

This report shares ideas on how to support managed livestock grazing in a way that addresses inequities and creates a food system that supports everyone.

This report is intended for a wide audience of change-makers including policy makers and advocates; farmers and farmer organizers; NGOs; agricultural educators, Extension professionals; technical support providers; and agriculture financiers. A range of recommendations with implications for grassroots organizing, governmental and non-governmental policies and programs, and broader governance solutions are integrated throughout. We envision that diverse audiences can adapt the content and recommendations to their line of work, for example by incorporating them into strategic goals, programming, organizing, or advocacy efforts.

Looking for an accessible PDF? Find it here.

To complement the report, the authors also developed an executive summary and a series of briefs that summarize recommendations for policy advocates, educators, Extension professionals, NRCS staff, university researchers, and the Conservation Stewardship & Environmental Quality Incentives Programs can be downloaded here.

View the Briefs

To learn more about the report, the team hosted an informational webinar on Tuesday, February 14th at 3pm CT. The webinar highlighted the main recommendations in the report and featured a farmer panel where three farmers – Scott Mericka of Uplands Cheese Company, Rodrigo Cala of Cala Farm and Latino Economic Development Center, and Lynn Utesch of Tsyunhehkw^ – discussed how these recommendations could support their farms. View the webinar recording here.